NEWFOUNDLAND EAGLE LB FIA aims to be a reference in quantitative fund in Brazil and Latin America, by systematically capturing the best investment opportunities.

The Newfoundland Eagle LB FIA is an end-to-end Brazilian quantitative fund. All strategies that compose its portfolio consist of state-of-the-art machine learning and optimization algorithms.

The fund is open to the public and offers the most innovative combinatorial optimization algorithms, artificial intelligence methods, in addition to the most robust risk levels with decorrelation and alpha generation to also compose its portfolio.

Minimum investable capital R$ 3.000,00
CNPJ 42.747.231/0001-03
Application and redemption time 2:40 PM BRT
Administration fee 2%
Performance fee 20% above Ibovespa
Taxation 15% on share profits on redemption
Asset manager Newfoundland Malibu Gestora de Recursos LTDA
Custodian and Administrator BTG Pactual
Auditor Ernst & Young
Investor relations


Fund Date Day Month Year 12M ITD AUM
Eagle Long Biased FIA 11/09/2024 -0.38% 0.58% 7.26% 18.41% 13.47% R$ 49.991.503,68